Glaze Dental
Dental Care Clinic

Call Now +91 9962480248

196/103, Rangarajapuram Main Road, Rangarajapuram, Kodambakkam Chennai - 600024

Open Hours

Mon - Sat: 10 AM - 1 PM & 5 PM - 9 PM
Sunday: By Appointments

Our Treatments & Services

Kids Dentistry

A healthy smile begins as a child. A Pediatric dentist specialises and takes care of unique problems in children. Children benefit from regular oral visits as a lot of changes are happening in their body as well as their oral cavity.

Preventive Dentistry

The practice of looking after one’s teeth and gums in order to maintain a cavity free environment is known as Preventive Dentistry. This field of dentistry works to avoid cavities, gum diseases, tooth loss and more.


Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that is used to diagnose and correct malpositioned teeth and jaws and treat misaligned bite problems. Abnormal alignment of jaws and teeth are common.

Mouth Ulcers

Mouth Ulcers otherwise known as Canker sores can occur anywhere in the mouth and can interfere with our everyday oral habits.Mouth ulcers aren’t contagious and are more common in women, adolescents and people with a family history of developing mouth ulcers.

Teeth Jewellery

One of the latest trends in adding an extra sparkle to your smile is the availability of excellent quality teeth jewellery to fashionably and aesthetically decorate your teeth.Tooth jewellery is a complete safe and painless procedure – where a tooth coloured cement is used to bond your favourite jewel on your tooth.


Dentures are consists as a removable replacement of missing teeth and surrounding tissues. There are two types of dentures:
Complete dentures – when all the teeth are missing
Partial denture – when some natural teeth remain.

Painless Dentistry

We live in an exciting era practising dentistry and constantly finding innovative ways to help patients overcome the fear of the ‘Dentist’. Patients who have avoided visiting the dentist can come in for a routine cleaning or even a more advanced procedure and not worry about the pain.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

This might sound like a complicated procedure but a full mouth rehabilitation involves combining restorative dental treatments to rebuild your smile. Our goal is not to just make you smile happily but to strengthen your teeth and the surrounding oral tissues.

Wisdom Tooth Removal

Our Clients are Our Priority, We Offer Quality Dental Services of Specialists Wisdom tooth are your third set of molars and usually.Wisdom tooth are your third set of molars and usually erupts between 17-25 years.

Veneers and Lumineers

Having a beautiful smile can overall improve our appearance and boost our self-confidence. The fact is very few people have a naturally looking perfect smile but most of us have some flaws or defects that make our smile look less desirable.

Aesthetic Dentistry

Having trained as an Aesthetic Dentist, my role is to help my patients gain their confident smile back by helping to find the suitable solution for the problems. Our goal is to provide you with healthy teeth so you can look your best and carry on your everyday activities with ease.

Periodontal Treatment

For mild to moderate gum problems non/ surgical procedures such as scaling and root planning are used to deep clean the gums. If periodontal disease has progressed, then the need for minor surgery to address the loose pockets is considered.

Digital Smile Design

The DSD is a digital planning tool, widely used in aesthetic dentistry to evaluate the aesthetic relationship between teeth, gums, face and smile. The DSD is considered as one of the latest innovations in Modern Dentistry.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a process of removing any surface stains from your teeth and restoring you with whiter teeth. Teeth whitening is one of the common dental procedures practiced and can provide long- lasting results.

Crown and Bridges

Crown placement involves a two- step process. Firstly the tooth is prepared to place the crown. Then an impression is taken and sent to the laboratory where crowns or bridges are made from the most advanced materials that mimics the natural tooth for long-lasting durability.

Dental Implants

Dental Implants have completely transformed dentistry on the replacement of missing teeth. In today’s modern dentistry and with advancement in technology the outcomes of dental implants have significantly improved and the success rate is 98%.

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment also known as root canal therapy or Endodontic treatment involves a treatment sequence of the infected pulp where the infection is eliminated and the tooth is protected from any future microbial infection.

Fixed Bridges

Fixed Bridges can help if you have a missing tooth or teeth. The most common causes of missing teeth are tooth decay, gum disease and injury. Or you may have been born with missing teeth due to a congenital condition.